Friday, April 18, 2014

First Encounter

While we were securing AkKhe and the highway between AnKhe and Quinhon A unit of the 502nd encountered a battalion of VC in the hills. G-2 had informed the commander of the 502nd that an unknown sized group of enemy were in an unknown location in the hills. A company or so was sent to investigate. The group was airlifted and were dropped off in the middle of a training battalion of Viet Cong. Intense fighting began and reinforcements were called. The location of the battalion area was along the highway between AnKhe and Quinhon and were separate from other units in AnKhe.

Not too long after being called the entire 502nd battalion vacated their compound to help the troops. We ( MPs) were told that the area was being called " Happy Valley" and that was the only name I heard about the operation. After our shifts were done that day guarding the bridges the entire platoon of MPs were taken to the vacated battalion area to provide security.

It was night time when we were assigned to our foxholes. It was so dark that our platoon Sgt. placed us one by one and told us where the FEBA was. I was told that the machine gun position I was placed in was 10 yards from the fence although I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I have never experienced total darkness like that in my life. By the way the machine gun position didn't come equipped with a machine gun.We were spaced about 10 foxholes apart because we were securing the entire battalion area with 40 MPs. 

Two incidents happened while we were guarding the area but I don't think they happened on the same night. 

As I was sitting on the ground I heard rocks landing near me. Obviously VC were trying to find out where our machine guns were located and they figured that the stupid Americans would shoot back with whatever weapons we had.Still unable to see anything we threw the rocks back!  We had
quite a rock fight for a few minutes. At the end of my portion of the rock fight a softball sized rock landed in my foxhole. WE were told in training that sometimes a grenade would be substituted for a rock.  The rock that landed in my hole scared me so much that I grabbed it and threw it as hard as I could back into the jungle. I heard a gasp of pain and then bushes rustling . Score one for the good guys!!!!!!!!!

The next encounter I had was with a Marine tank. More on that next time.